Nightwave camera - cable strain relief

Nightwave installation instructions are available in the user manual and the quick-start guide (here)

This picture shows the underside of the camera module - with the Nightwave base removed.
In this image the connector protective cover and the cable strain relief cover are not installed, to illustrate the correct routing of the Nightwave cable (Analog Video & Power; or USB).
Both of these covers are required to prevent damage to the connector and Nightwave cabling during installation, assembly, and operation of the camera. 

Here is the base of the camera module with the connector protective cover and cable strain relief cover installed

The blue wrench in this picture shows where the locking screw will engage with the camera module.
When the base is installed, this sprung screw will lock the camera module into the base

The tools to install the base locking screw, connector protective cover and cable strain relief cover are all provided with Nightwave.

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