Where should I install the Nightwave?

Prior to installing Nightwave, please consider the following:

• Select an installation location as high as practical with minimum obstructions.

• Select an installation location that is greater than 1m from any magnetic compass.

• Nightwave (and its cabling) should be installed outside of the beam of radars with high peak emission energy. The vertical beamwidth of a radar is commonly 25° (12.5° above the horizontal plane, 12.5° below), so one way to achieve this would be to mount the Nightwave below an elevated radar, or in a ball-down configuration below a hard-top.  However, it varies from model to model of radar and we strongly suggest customers testing out the location before the install.  Contact SIONYX Support if you want suggestions on how to test temporary locations.

• Ensure the camera installation hardware does not weaken the boat’s structure.

• Ensure there are no hidden structures, wires or conduits beneath the install area that may be damaged by the installation hardware.

Nightwave should be installed somewhere with a clear view of the water ahead of the boat, ideally only a portion of the boat's ”bow” area in the picture to provide some point of reference. Always keep a good lookout at all times and operate at an appropriate speed for the conditions.

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